Thursday, July 14, 2011

Do You Believe in Magic?

Ok, I had to do it. I'm going to the midnight release of the last Harry Potter movie, so I used that as an excuse to wear this costume.

All day.

That's right. I wore this to the grocery store this morning.

And to the bookstore.

And to the Chinese restaurant.

People noticed. And I loved it.

Without further ado, may I present....

Luna Lovegood

During the release of the seventh book, this costume won the costume contest, allowing me to get a free copy of the book in addition to being the first one in line to get it at midnight.

Note the radish-shaped earrings and the Butterbeer cap necklace. Both made by me.

The picture at the beginning of the chapter that introduces Luna.

I hope you enjoyed watching me geek out.

Stay magical,


  1. love this - dedication to Harry Potter!

  2. As a certified Harry Potter geek who watched the last movie twice in the span of a week, I adore this post!!


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